Thursday, 3 May 2007

TiddlyLockPlugin - the multi-user TiddlyWiki Plugin

When I wrote (i.e. hacked) TiddlyLock, I didn't realise just how simple plugins for TiddlyWiki were to write. All the examples I had seen looked really complicated and had lots of /*** ***/ !!! and //{{{ characters in them and I couldn't tell what was required and what wasn't. See my previous post for an example of how simple plugin are, and how quickly they can become difficult to read!

Anyway, the first version of TiddlyLock was a JavaScript hack - I modified the core code directly.
I'm a reformed citizen now and have re-coded TiddlyLock into TiddlyLockPlugin, the self-contained, easy-to-install, set-and-forget plugin that allows multiple people to access and edit the same TiddlyWiki file on a shared drive, but prevents users from overwriting each other's changes.

Simply use the ImportTiddlers tiddler in your TiddlyWiki (look for it on the Shadowed tiddlers tab) and point it to Select TiddlyLockPlugin and import it.

Reload your TiddlyWiki and set the Username and Password options in the OptionsPanel or in the GettingStarted tiddler.

Now, every time you click Edit the TiddlyWiki will be locked by you. Any other user who tries to edit the same TiddlyWiki will be told that you are locking it. They will have to wait until you are finished and refresh their browser before they can edit it.

It's not foolproof, and 'passwords' are visible and unencrypted, so don't expect enterprise-level security.

To Do:

  • Obfuscate passwords
  • Encrypt lock file


Unknown said... shore the tiddly lock is a great bit of kit...but the website it is located on is "forbiden"! is thee something i am doin rong or is the site down?

Richard said...

Hmmm works for me - but then I had a DNS redirect infinite loop a while back ... maybe that was the problem. Try again. It works!