Thursday 26 April 2007

TiddlyLock:- the multi-user TiddlyWiki

I use TiddlyWiki as a scrapbook, for storing notes, code samples, hints and tips that I can easily copy & paste into other projects.

I recently wanted to use it as a team development tool but soon found out that it is really only a single user tool.

So I modified it and created TiddlyLock.

This modified version of TiddlyWiki is based on TiddlyWiki 2.1.3 and it creates a lock file (based on the TiddlyWiki file name) whenever someone edits the TiddlyWiki, and unlocks it once all changes have been saved. Other users who try to edit the TiddlyWiki at the same time will get a message saying who has the file locked. Other users will have to wait until the TiddlyWiki is unlocked and reload it before they can edit it.
Users are identified by Username and Password.

Because this modification was done simply to enable a team of developers to use the same TiddlyWiki without running the risk of editing it at the same time and potentially overwriting each other's work, there is currently no password encryption and passwords are visible in clear text. We're a trusting bunch ;)

If you'd like to try it out, save this link to your computer (if you open the link in your browser it will be restricted to read-only mode - you have to save it locally in order to be able to edit it)

If you're looking in the code for my changes, my object names (variables, functions, etc) are prefixed with "TL", so just do a case-sensitive search and you'll have 'em all.

Hope this is useful to you.

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